Our goal is to create a loving, supportive community that learns and grows together through play.
Supportive Community
We work with parents and caregivers to create a community that supports the development of every child. At Community Playroom, we foster a cooperative learning environment that supports families, brings people together, and encourages children to flourish. We welcome caregivers and toddlers as members of our loving, supportive community.
Inspiring Resources
At Community Playroom, the resources are curated to inspire curiosity, discovery, and wonder. Activities are planned every month according to developmental themes and the skills and interests of the children. Additionally, we offer guidance to caregivers as they support the children through thoughtful, playful interactions.
Learning & Growing Together Through Play
While every person is unique, research demonstrates that young children follow relatively predictable developmental patterns that can be supported through thoughtful play. At Community Playroom, we aim to create joyful learning experiences that support the development of toddlers and caregivers alike.